Treasure Trove made with Trove Builder

All About Trove Builder

As a TTRPG Game Master, you know what your players want to find in the dungeon you’ve prepared. More than threatening monsters, dangerous terrain, and frightening foes, your players will be hunting for treasure. 

As a player, you don’t just hope to find gold pieces and magic items after a slew of combat encounters and puzzles, you expect it! 

Loot is a critical part of any good TTRPG. Loot can motivate players to explore your carefully crafted map, power up their characters, and provide a satisfying conclusion to an intense combat encounter. 

However, planning, selecting, and placing loot can be one of the most tedious game prep tasks for a Game Master. Researching items, organizing and placing treasure (that may never be found!), and keeping track of it all takes a large amount of time and effort. Plus, every player knows the pain of stopping the game to ration out coins and items, update character sheets, and attempt to tame the beast of shared party inventory.

How Trove Builder Works

Wyvyrn’s Trove Builder tool makes planning, placing, and claiming treasure fast, easy, and organized. The Game Master can easily create troves on the fly or before their game session by saving collections of weapons, coins, and more that they want their players to find! Adding items to a trove is easy. Game Masters can drag and drop items into their troves directly from the Adventurer’s Almanac or add them in manually.

The Game Master can choose to reveal the contents of troves to some or all players at any time. Once found, player characters can claim contents for themselves or evenly divide resources— like coins— between every player. All claimed items are automatically added to each player’s inventory.

With Trove Builder, loot can become one of the most immersive parts of your game.

Gone are the days of asking your Game Master to repeat the list of items in a treasure chest, pulling out your calculator to try to divide gold, silver, and copper pieces evenly, and trying to keep track of unidentified magic items in your character sheet.

Trove Builder allows you to hide the secrets of items from certain characters, like the magical effects of potions or magic items that need to be identified. Plus, players can always see where they first obtained an item, and Game Masters can track its entire ownership history. 

Trove Builder also gives Game Masters the ability to make treasure troves on the fly, either with pre-set troves or by rolling for random treasure hoards.

Like all Wyvyrn features, Trove Builder cuts down your time doing nitty-gritty game prep tasks and frees you up to worldbuild, write adventures, and run your awesome, immersive games.

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